Seller Notes:Fixed Week: 46
Next use: 2025
Maintenance fees 2024: $777.15
Check-in Day: Friday
*Closing costs and transfer fees are to be paid by the buyer*
*Buyer to pay maintenance fees for first year of usage*
Per the owner:
The unit can be in the floating week pool, which means you can vacation
any month or any week if there is availability (we have never used the
46th fixed week).
You can also split your week into 3 & 4 day stays.
You have the option of a 1 king bed or a 2 queen bed studio.
There is also a right to use week (a second week option) which can be
purchased for the cost of the maintenance fee.
The fixed week requires a Friday check in while the floating week allows
you to check in for your stay on any day with availability.
You can gift or sell your 7-4-3 day stays to family and friends.