Waterwood Townhouses Exterior with Lake View

Waterwood Townhouses

Enjoy great recreational facilities in the tranquil and serene surroundings of the North Carolina hillsides. Enjoy the on-site amenities: two 18-hole golf courses, 11 tennis courts, two outdoor pools, an indoor pool, and a complete recreation center and gym. Each two-bedroom unit has a loft, a fireplace, and a full kitchen. This resort is a member of the Bluegreen family of resorts.

Bluegreen Vacations Tropical Sands Resort Exterior

Tropical Sands Resort

This Resort of International Distinction offers a relaxing vacation alternative to the crowds and rush of Central Florida. Enjoy quiet walks on the beach and fun family attractions such as Jungle Larry's African Safari, Everglades tours, and historic sites. Amenities include full kitchens in every spacious two bedroom unit, exercise facilities, pool, hot tub, and easy access to the beach directly across the street. This facility is a member of the BlueGreen family of resorts.

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