Bill offers this great Platinum 2,000 points week; one of the very best priced Platinum weeksWeek 29 IN SAME unit available at same price - terms - make offer for both! *** Price is equivalent to $3,500 plus $650 Hyatt and escrow costs INCLUDED in the $5000 price Occupy your week 30 in 2025 or use 2,000 points upon enrollment.As a Hyatt owner here I can help you with questions about this resort and other Hyatt resorts.Bill has sold over 1,300 Hyatt Weeks alone and has over 120 Hyatt Florida & Key West listings and many more Hyatt's nationally; I work with all brokers.Other season weeks at great prices still available though the lower priced ones are selling fast.Bill is a licensed Broker and 20 year Hyatt owner (2 weeks here for sale plus 2 other Windward Pointe Diamond weeks for sale) plus 35 year Marriott Florida owner. Ad4222Board Member [email protected] 775.690.2653 cell / text direct