Seller Notes:Fixed Week: 5 (Gold Season)
Next use: 2025
Maintenance fees 2024: $2,615.14
Check-in Day: Sunday
Hyatt Points: 1,880
Please see attached resort map for location of unit and view type.
*Closing costs and transfer fees are to be paid by the buyer*
*Buyer to pay maintenance fees for first year of usage*
Per the owner:
This top-floor unit is considered to be the best unit in the entire
Highlands Inn complex. It has a sweeping view of the ocean from Yankee
Point to Point Lobos and looks down on the main lodge and swimming pool
area. It comes with 1,880 points. Additionally, Week 5 is the week of the
AT&T golf tournament in Pebble Beach, during which time you can obtain
top dollar for renting the unit should you choose not to use it for a
portion of that week.